Friday, 24 December 2010

How to insert zipper into knitted garment/ Kuidas kinnitada lukku kampsunile.

Eunny Jang shows you Techknitter's technique for making zippers knitable objects so you can knit them into your garments instead of sewing them in by hand.

From TECHknitter's blog.

Kuidas teha lukk selliseks, et seda oleks võimalik kohe külge kududa.

Teine video õpetab kuidas õmmelda lukku ripskoes kampsunile (kudumile).

Ilusaid jõule kõigile!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Kuduralli Mustrimaailmas

Ma kipun oma töödega valmissaamiseks ikka taganttorkimist vajama.

Foorumis täna toimunud naiste oma vaheline minivõiduajamine pani veerema suurema palli ja uus üritus on sündinud!

Laupäeva hommikul kõlab KUDURALLI stardipauk ja kel vähegi midagi kududa on, on oodatud osalema.
Põhirõhk on kas poolikutel töödel või siiani edasi lükatud tegemistel, mida on nüüd paras hetk ette võtta!

Võidavd kõik, kes oma tööga rahule jäävad! ;)

Tähtis pole võit, vaid osavõtt!

Registreerimiseks vajuta stardinuppu!

The best way to get all your knits in waiting done, is to take part of knitting race!
I just started one in my knitting forum.
Everybody has two weeks to finish their knits and winner is the one who has done most stitches.

The important thing is not winning but taking part!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Kudujate välimääraja

Meil tekkis täna foorumis arutlus, et kui kuduja keegi on, ning Helikene tuli välja hiilgava "Kudujate välimäärajaga".

Kes oled sina?

Kas Algaja,
       Hobikuduja või

Friday, 3 September 2010

Salakudumine Mustrimaailmas!

Kohe kohe on algamas Mustrimaailma foorumis "Salakudumine".
Kuduhoolikutele anna ainult põhjus, et saaks jälle midagi põnevat teha.

Ja nii ongi paljud haaramas varraste järele uudishimust aetuna...

Kui uudishimulik oled Sina?

Friday, 18 June 2010

Young crocheter

When is time to learn crocheting?

Monday, 7 June 2010

Crochet toy for Charity and Vest

This lovely "Fabulous animal" is made for children in one Estonian Children's Hospital.
I used 100% pure silk and pattern is form Garnstudio of course.
Eesti keelne muster SIIN.


Also picture of my lovely vest, made with DROPS Muskat no 19 yarn.
I absloutely love this yarn!!!
It's silky, it's soft (not like some cotton yarns), it comes in beautiful colors.
If I only had more time and money...

Pattern is HERE.
I had to change the pattern a little like always.
Eesti keelne on SIIN.

Monday, 10 May 2010

DROPS Design 106-2 white lace tunic

When my big yarn order arrived, I started to knit lovely tunic by Drops Design.
It's far from finish but Garnstudio Muskat yarn is soooooo lovely I just had to make few shots for you.
I'm planning to make some changes in pattern but you have to wait to see it.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Stitchmarkers. Silmusemärkijad.

I made some stitchmarkers for sale.
These are unique, only one of each.
For needles up to 7 mm.
Silver plated wire and class beads.
Each set €10 incl. postage.
(150 EEKi komplekt, sisaldab postikulu.
Igat ainult 1 komplekt saadaval.) 

If you like one write me now lillysmuul(at)
Blues no. 1

Blues no 2
Reds (plastic beads)

Be the first to get them!

Friday, 9 April 2010

I love my new teddy bear!

 Saw this lovely teddy bear pattern on Drops Design website
  and decided to use some yarn leftovers I had long time.
They are so cute together!!!


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

It's almost time for Easter!

I'm middle of translating Drops Easter patterns and had to check how well these work in real life.

I present my lovely Chick:

Also shrug for Iris is done!

The sleeves are a bit narrow, but she loves it as I do!

Kuna tõlgin parasjagu Dropsi Lihavõttepühade mustreid ,siis otsustasin kohe ise ka järgi proovida armsa kukekese.
Kasutusse läksid lõngaülejäägid, kukehari lausa Novita Huopanenist (ei tulnudki paks ja kole).

Samuti sain valmis tütrele "varrukad".
Nats kitsad on, aga muidu kenad.
Lõng tundmatult saksa tootjalt.(Ostetud Lidlist(nagu Säästumarket))

Sunday, 21 February 2010

DROPS Shrug for mu little girl

One day, when doing my shopping, I saw beautiful yarn.
Of course could not leave it there.

It becomes lovely shrug to my daughter.
Pattern from Drops Design.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Drops Design patterns

Happy Valentines Day !

I added some gorgeous Drops Design patterns to my dream list

Yarn for these beauties are ordered from and can't wait to get started!

Üsna pea alustame eelpool toodud ilusate Drops Design mustrite kooskudumist uues Dropsi mustrite foorumis MUSTRIMAALIM.

Momendil ootame tellitud lõngade saabumist ja siis läheb käima.
Oled oodatud osalema!

Friday, 29 January 2010

The cutest paintings in the internet!

I was looking for graphics about knitter or knitting and discovered
Sabrina's drawings are all sooooooooooooooooo cute you just have to go back to look for more.
I don't know how she is doing it but all these little boys and girls on her paintings are so lively .
It's like any minute they will talk with you.
I love them all.

And these beautiful colors.....
Wish I could draw like that.
Thank you Sabrina!


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