Wednesday, 24 October 2012

DROPS ♥ You yarn

Hiljuti lasi Garnstudio välja uue "Limited edition" lõnga  DROPS ♥ You #2 . Koostises on 50% Alpaka, 40% Vill, 10% Lina - ja  100g tokis on 100 m. Eestis on see lõng saadaval Wool&Woollenis ja Rohelises vihmavarjus.
See on mõnusalt võrratu luksuslik lõng, milles on segatud kolme kiu parimad omadused: alpaka pehmus, villa vastupidavus ning lina annab robustse välimuse ja tviidiliku tekstuuri.
Kuna Mustrimaailma foorumis on parasjagu Dropsi "Celtica" kampsunile  oma kooskudumine, siis otsustasin sellest lõngast teha väikese proovika. (Õige värv on tegelt koopis tumedam ja nats lillakam. Väga ilus igatahes.)
Pildil siis varrukaotsa mansett:
DROPS ♥ You #2
Tulemus: nüüd tahaks lausa terve selle kampsu kududa...


Lately came out new "Limited edition" yarn DROPS ♥ You #2   from Garnstudio.
Content: 50% Alpaca, 40% Wool, 10% Linen and one ball is 100g = approx 100 meters.
A delicious luxury yarn is a combination of three of the finest fibres; Alpaca represents the softest of the soft, Wool makes the yarn more durable, and Linen provides an exciting rustic look and creates a tweed-like and fine texture.
Since I have in my knitting forum Mustrimaailm  KAL for DROPS "Celtica" cardigan for Estonian knitters, I decided to knit little swatch. (The yarns true color is a bit darker and warmer. Very pretty anyway! ;)
The yarn is soooo soft and delicious and feels like it's self knitting. ;)
The yarn is available to buy in these shops:

Look all DROPS Yarns here:


Lillysmuul said...

Thanks you all for your comments!
I just wanna let you know that system eats all junk comments, the ones who try to leave links to their pages...

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...


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