Crisis is over!
Yesssss!!! ;)
By the end of last post I already had idea how must look my new cape!
Same evening designed pattern what has same shape as '
faroese shawl' but there are mixed three different leaf patterns. Now I have new problem ,have to buy luxurious yarn for it.
In local yarn shop
caught my eye
Louisa Harding's 'Grace' 50/50% wool(merino)/silk mix .....precious!(but pricey :( ). Have to go fishing to eBay! ;)
Afraid this project will be delayed until autumn because....
I was asked to knit lace shawl (for sale) decided to design new one .This time mixing four different patterns. Pattern will be available for public when knitted through.
But like always can't be patient and crocheted some flower pins this evening (for sale):

Irish crochet flower.
crocheted flower patterns for you to try!
Maybe should sell them in etsy as well? But who will buy them there...
EDIT: The flower pin is in
My etsyshop now! ;)