You just can't not to love it!
I bought the yarn to knit lovely cardigan, but like always - life goes his own way.
So I designed a vest.
I can't show it at the moment because decided to send it somewhere, may-be to some knitting magazine.
But I wanted to show you lovely buttons, I redesigned.
The yarn is called "Wild berries", so the wooden buttons is a must!
But I had only light ones (Estonian juniper, they smell great!)...
Creative mind doesn't frighten back and I came up with idea to stain them in black tea.
Well, it didn't work as well as I expected, but drop a food colouring did!
And here we are, beautiful buttons as I wanted!
Ja nüüd emakeeles.
Pikk jutt lühemaks: kudusin uuest DROPS Big Delightist vesti ja selle sobivaid nööpe otsides, pidin ühed mõnusad eestimaised kadakapuust nööbid ära rikuma. Kõigepealt päevake vanni tõeliselt mustas tees ja kuna tulemus polnud piisavalt tume, siis paar tilka toiduvärvi hulka.
Selle tulemusega olen väga rahul!
Nii, et kallid kadakapuust nööbitootjad, asuge aga nööpe värvima ja nõudlus kasvab mühinal!
Vesti näete siis, kui ta saatus on otsustatud.