About knitting, lace, crochet, silk painting and all kinds of crafts you can learn yourself.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
"Falling in Love" socks.
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Christmas Cake recipe.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Let your mind free!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Getting paid.
so you can support my serious knitting and yarn addiction.
Even the smallest amount makes me happy, at least to see how this button works! ;)
The job field isn't great in this area where I live so there is no income at moment.
If you have PayPal account yourself and would like to sell something in your blog just go to your PayPal account, go to "Merchant Tools", choose "Buy now buttons" or "Donations" and follow the text.

And the good news there is possible to pay without having PayPal account . Just click "Continue" on bottom of the page and fill form to pay with your credit card!

And if you wanna look really smart you can make your own buttons (these are just small pics)!
Go ahead, you can make it!
If you liked my tutorial and little advise why not starting here and click this button and try out how it works!
Friday, 9 November 2007
Crochet motif bag.
This is my bag! ;) I don't sell it. (unless you offer too much money of course! ;) )
Friday, 2 November 2007
I have kept myself away from it because it needs soooo much time to surf around there.
But everybody is waiting or in already so.....I'm not worse or better than you!
It will be long waiting:
Found you!
You signed up on Today
You are #52306 on the list.
12959 people are ahead of you in line.
1 people are behind you in line.
67% of the list has been invited so far
Yeah, better go back to knitting....;)
EDIT: I'm in . Look for LillySmuul...
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Flowerscarf finished and presented!
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Socks for rainbow Godess Iris.
I went to yarn shop yesterday to get the smallest knitting needles available for my friend and OF COURSE had to buy multicolored sock yarn. The colors are soo.... bright and happy!
Didn't like sock knitting before but seems I have to change my mind ....
Started to knit same evening and finished next morning!
Voila! My little girl is very happy to have warm bright socks!
Sock patterns.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Silver Belle .

Yarn: Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran, 50 g/90 m
Needles: 4 mm
Also see all my other posts about Silverbelle / Romy cardigan here (or click keyword silverbelle at the end of the post).

The colour is right on side view picture.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
My new love....

I haven't even had time to sew on buttons on my "Silver belle" cardigan,because...
...there is new love in my life:
silky flowerscarf from Vogue Knitting.
I feel soooo impatient when waiting for silk yarn to arrive.
So had to fill my waiting time with something interesting.....
Decided to try some jewellery making and look what I came up with:
Yes,these are stitch markers! ;)
Little lovely jewellery for your knitting.
On sale in Lillysmuul.etsy.com
I hope somebody will like them and buy ...
Have to find some ways to support my expensive hobby......
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Finished !
There are no buttons jet and it feels a bit small.(or maybe my breast is bit too big;) (I didn't know that before;) ) )
Anyway when I saw pictures of finished 'Silver Belles' I noticed that neck hole is toooooo big.
So decided to knit cable edging to keep neckline from stretching to much.
There is also back view ...
I actually wanted to make collar as well but.....Just bit lazy...;)
Did I say before that I did bind off 10 stitches for front neck not 15st like it is in pattern ?
And yes I have three button holes!
And never said I left out 2diamond shaped cable panels on peplum!
And there is new project waiting to become alive...
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Winter socks.

Monday, 17 September 2007
Knitting in French.
Vous pouvez employer " BabelFish " pour traduire le texte ou la page Web.
Bonne chance avec votre tricotage !
No,I don't speak french but I love BabelFish! With it you can speak with the whole World!
(I'm not good at English either, just using spellcheck! ;))
And I wanted to say sorry who are coming here to see my finished belle....
I have been searching the net three days to find lovely holiday, haven't knit a row...
EDIT: You could knit sleeves in one piece if you want to skip backcables. Just don't stop when reaching in middle of back. Continue to other sleeve mirroring first sleeve.
Happy knitting everybody!!!
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Changes to Silver Belle.
'Kiusupunn' said she will leave out the back cables in next cardy because they don't hold well.
So I did a little trial :
Couldn't keep myself ;) and made a little tutorial as well : Three needle bind off.
But I didn't like the look of the seam either so riped it open again and will go for back cables.
first time I saw the picture of Silver Belle the edges of sleeves looked so unfinished .
Already then had idea to add cable.
Here it is :
I casted on 7 stitches (1extra for sewing),knitted long cable and sewed it to sleeve.
EDIT: Great tutorial from olgajazzzy how to connect cable to sleeve's live stitches.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
How to knit cable without a cableneedle.
So decided to share what I know...
How to knit cable without a cable needle(4-st RC):
How to do knitted cast on .
When you get to the point to cast on for front and back, using same yarn as you used for sleeve just do knitted cast on as follows:
Happy knitting!!!
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Great news!
I am knitting size small (because I'm terrible cook and don't eat much ;) )
Finished right sleeve yesterday and had to sew it together immediately to see how it holds.
I'm happy!!!
Sleeve isn't to wide,there are no ugly folds in underarm and looks absolutely great from waist.
I did make some changes (like always ;) ):
for the sleeve increased 1 st each side every 16th row (not 8th) 5 times and then every 8th row until sleeve measured long enough to cast on stitches for front and back.
I added extra stitches for sides to get 120stitches altogether as asked.
Also for neck shaping I did bind off only 10 stitches not 15. Continued with pattern.
There are some other knitters who love this project as well:
Sally from theraineysisters
Joanna from brahdelt
and so many more ,all taking part of VogueSilverBelleKAL .
Sunday, 2 September 2007
What color is your soul painted? Red Your soul is painted the color red, which embodies the characteristics of love, strength, physical energy, sex, passion, courage, protection, excitement, speed, leadership, power, danger, and respect. Red is the color of the element Fire, and is associated with blood, life and death, birth, volcanoes, and intense emotions. |
Quizzes and Personality Tests |
Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Sunday, 26 August 2007
Nice really matters!
I would like to nominate
Anneli -she is really great friend of mine!
Tracy- I love her bags!
But I have to go now to give a tour " Ring of Kerry " to my mum who came visit me!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Vogue "Silver belle".
Like you see the color isn't right either pictures...
Friday, 17 August 2007
Rocking' Girl Blogger.
Mdm-Beadalot named me as Rockin' Girl Blogger!
The idea is that bloggers would have a chance to support and give some recognition to female bloggers. Roberta Ferguson was the one who started it on the 18th July, you can get more info from here.
And there's a badge that goes with it

If you know somebody who you think deserves it ,just grab the badge and tell a girl blogger out there that she rocks!!
I tag
...they all do amazing works!
There will be more ....
Crochet Irish lace bag.

(Unluckily I don't have anymore this pattern after PC crash. But you could Google Irish crochet lace pattern and make your own. ;)
Or look in Pinterest:
http://www.pinterest.com/janieceltic/irish-crochet-patterns/ ).
Monday, 13 August 2007
Sun printing.
Just look yourself: Susa's blog
You have to have 'Setacolor Soleil' paint's ,fabric should be light natural fibre .Then lay feathers, lace, netting, leaves, precut cardboard, flowers or anything on the fabric and let the sun do the rest. The objects you put on the fabric will leave their impressions!
I really would like try it,but it's raining here every day! :(
Once thought about painting silk fabric to sew a dress for myself but this sun printing is much more easier( for somebody who can't draw ;))
Ou,there is a link in English: lainesworld.co.uk or Michael's.com .
Have fun still summer is on!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Little blue flower necklace.
in flickr.com "BiJóias em Tricô, Crochê e Macramê group .
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Story about recycling.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Crochet Irish lace
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Silver Belle ( Romy ) cardigan pattern by Debbie Bliss
Spent some time surfing in Vogue knitting website, decided to subscribe for next issues! (why they don't send any letters saying "thank you for your subscription!" How do I know it went through?)
And also find some free patterns (my favorite part ;) :
It's a DEBBIE BLISS/KFI"Cashmerino Aran cable and seed-stitch jacket, also called as "Silver Belle" or "Romy"
There is a free pattern available in Vogue Knitting website and Ravelry as a pdf file.
(if I only had free or at least half price gorgeous yarn for it...)
if I only had a few clones of me who could do the knitting...;)
WARNING! be careful what you wish for , your wishes might come true ;)
See my other blog posts about it, by clicking on a tag "Silverbelle".
Happy knitting!
Saturday, 21 July 2007
My picture is in "VogueKnitting" !

Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Stitch marker

Saturday, 14 July 2007
Lacy leaf shawl.
Almost year later
The "nupp"(knit 5 from 1stitch,purl 5tog at next WS row) is also originally from Estonia as well.( I hope you knew that! ;))
This beautiful lace shawl is knitted from Estonian lace pattern with cobweb weight mohair yarn and 3.4mm knitting needles.
Looks adorable!
Already designed and started next one:
Lilly's Leaf Shawl pattern.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Flowers are in the air!!!
By the end of last post I already had idea how must look my new cape!
Same evening designed pattern what has same shape as 'faroese shawl' but there are mixed three different leaf patterns. Now I have new problem ,have to buy luxurious yarn for it.
In local yarn shop caught my eye Louisa Harding's 'Grace' 50/50% wool(merino)/silk mix .....precious!(but pricey :( ). Have to go fishing to eBay! ;)
Afraid this project will be delayed until autumn because....
I was asked to knit lace shawl (for sale) decided to design new one .This time mixing four different patterns. Pattern will be available for public when knitted through.
But like always can't be patient and crocheted some flower pins this evening (for sale):

Some crocheted flower patterns for you to try!
Maybe should sell them in etsy as well? But who will buy them there...
EDIT: The flower pin is in My etsyshop now! ;)
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Knitting crisis...
Want to knit lacy cape like thing or stole,can't figure out what it must be. Went through goldmines like adriafil.com , knittingpatterncentral.com , straw.com and some more.
Want something to throw over and it must be elegant, lacy, similar to faroese shawl .
But it must be closable at front.... maybe buttons....;>
It will be real challange for me! ;)
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
More flowers please!
No time for my knitting projects....
Have been busy searching for gorgeous flowers in flickr photo albums.
There are sooo many different kind of crafted flowers (photos) in albums so I decided to open group called Handmade Flowers .
I already have some favorites there but they all are very well done crafts!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Pinwheel cardigan for Iris.

Hope you all enjoy summer season,holidays,lovely weather ,swimming......all I miss so much. We don't even have much sunshine around here in Ireland.
But rainy days are very good for knitting projects! ;)
Today I show you one of my UFOs: pinwheel cardy for my little girl Iris.
This blue cardy is in my to-do list : DROPS Cardigan in “art knitting”
And then I found other one from elann.com: PINWHEEL SWEATERS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN

I decided to mix these two and used non-expensive acrylic DK yarn.

The body is almost finished,have to re-think about edging and sleeves must be done(any time soon ;) ).
I like how it came out.
For sleeves will use lacy pattern as shown at bottom triangle.
Hopefully will find time to knit one for myself as well....one day...
Friday, 15 June 2007
Finished !
Finally I have finished the lacy blouse from Vogue Knitting spring/summer 2007 magazine.
It was serious marathon for me, not because it was difficult to do, no way, it was really easy to knit. Pattern is easy to remember and small (OK medium size;) )pieces get finished fast ( if you have time of course;) )
I never before FINISHED so big project so fast .It took about 2weeks only. 2-4 hours every evening( few days-evenings off as well).
Used 7 skeins of Sirdar 'SilkyLook' double knitting yarn.Needles 3.5mm. And loads of patience.
I might get used to make big things !
Now I'm thinking should I make mini lace
blouse for my little girl as well?
Yeah,it could be lovely but new exciting projects coming and ....maybe some other time ;> )
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Lacy belly-top!

Thank you Anneli for pushing me to show you picture where I wear my almost finished lace blouse:
It has been so far few days already but didn't get time to get pic. Now it's done finally! (pic not a blouse ;) )
I am not happy with underarms(like you can see). My shoulders are low and usually have to add some padding under shoulder seems for ready made clothes as well. But hopefully the weight of lower part will stretch it out.
The acorn edging for bottom of lower part is made just have to pick up stitches across edge of middle insert and have a go...Sounds easy but takes time again....
I didn't knit sleeves as long as pattern said, also made neck hole smaller by knitting sides bit wider(less stitches for neck hole). It looks better for me this way!
OK,have to get it finished fast (to get started with next piece....hopelessly hooked by knitting as I am ;) )
Thank you for visiting me again!
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Lacy waves.
Found time to lay down and get some UV rays . I call sunbathing more like 'baking in your own juice'. Some people do not like it ,I enjoy the energy that I get from sun!
About knitting:
Sleeves of lacy blouse are finished ,just need to iron them and connect with bodice. Hope get it done this evening and take some pics as well!
Also wanted to show you next piece in my dream list:

There is pattern for you as well: DROPS Jacket with wavy pattern in Vivaldi.
Enjoy the knitting and your life,whatever it brings to your way...!
Monday, 4 June 2007
Almost there...
Really like edging lace for sleeves,its done all in one piece ,even it looks like made separately.
Now have to pick up stitches along top of edging(bottom on this pic) and knit lower part of sleeve.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Thank you!
There are quite few UFOs (unfinished objects ;) )in my craft corner like pinwheel cardy for my little girl waiting for sleeves; almost finished cardy for her without zipper (color of yarn wasn't right,its too blue and I don't like it(when ordered it over Internet picture showed purple) ) and so on...
But yesterday found I have to keep knitting because there have been so many visitors here and you all coming to see some beautiful pictures and great patterns . Aren't you?
So must finish the piece I'm on.
The front and back are finished,shoulder seems crafted together. Also sideseems and when tried it on it looked really nice .
When upper part of sleeves are done and sewed to body , will make picture for you.
Now I want to say THANK YOU for everybody who keep coming back and make me feel responsible that you get what you came for! Feel free to leave comment asking for more! ;)
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
How little we need for happiness!
Where the time is flying...